Thursday, April 26, 2012

Women practice!

Greetings fellow Void-ling! Enjoy my work... 
Do you recognize the chibi in the middle?

P.S. most of them are based on stuff I found online.
P.P.S. Answer = Alice in Pandora Hearts

Monday, April 23, 2012

Animal Contour drawings

Another buch of blind contour drawings for yah!
Can you recognize the animals?

Thursday, April 19, 2012

New works

Inside they hear Lea'Nor's voice which is singing quietly, but she's nowhere to be seen. When they shout for her, there's no noise coming out of their throats.
I want to understand the differences that form our world.

Being a friend to another is an adventure altogether.

Sunday, April 15, 2012

Blind Contour Drawings

Blind Contour drawing is a favourite with drawing teachers to develop hand-eye communication. Contour drawing is essentially outline drawing, and blind contour drawing means drawing the outline of the subject without looking at the paper. The end result doesn't matter - what is important is carefully observing the subject.

Now, can you guys recognize these sports? Please only mention your favorite so others can leave a comment too!

Thursday, April 12, 2012


The further in the past
the more time will have passed

The further away
the more it will decay

Roman occupation became Ancient;
We don't try to remember
where it all went

When you became history_
who will ever tell their children
your story?

Please, I beg of you,
can't you stay any longer?

Run, run for your life!

The further away
the more you will decay
Please, run away

By Ensis Ramuh

Monday, April 9, 2012

Made in Asia cosplay vid!

Watch this link!
At 45 seconds I am being epic in my Dr Horrible cosplay!

What do you think?

Spread the word, tell a friend!

Tuesday, April 3, 2012

Made In Asia 2012, Brussels

Who knows Dr. Horrible?
I went to the Made In Asia convention last weekend in a Dr. Horrible cosplay! First time ever to do that, but I think it worked out fine. See for yourself :

The world is a mess and I just need to rule it...

Spread the word ... Tell a friend!

Sunday, April 1, 2012

Emerging Screenwriters contest

Hi to you all!

It's with sadness in my heart that I announce you that I failed to achieve victory... for now. I'm still very proud of what I achieved with my first screenplay!

Check out the winners of the contest! They did a great job and reached the top 10!
